Telephone number: +441618203548

( 01618203548 , 00441618203548 )

Statistics +441618203548

313 Number of views:
4 Number of comments:
Last comment: May 25, 2017
Hazard level Safe
  • City:Manchester
  • Capital:London
  • Area:242900 Km2
  • Population:65110000
  • LAT/LONG:54 / -2
  • Manchester () is a city and metropolitan borough in Greater Manchester, England. The city has the country's fifth-largest population at 547,627 (as of 2018) and lies within the United Kingdom's second... Wikipedia

There are 4 comments for the phone number +441618203548. Phone number hazard level Safe. 4 users were marked it with 4 Neutral rating.

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Comments on the number 441618203548


0161 820 3548

First Response accident claims @ 3.24pm on 26th May 2016

Man just called me with the same accident response claim cr*p as others have reported. This is the 3rd call from the same person in the past 2 weeks!


May 25, 2017

Phoned and asked to speak to me on my work mobile by my birth name (which i never use) and said the nature of his call was regarding my road traffic accident - after asking for them to remove my details he proceeded to say i sounded "well fit, so i s

May 23, 2017

I had this number call me today and with it coming up as Manchester of course I would be worried, especially as of the attacks last night. I think it was a scam number as they asked to speak with Mrs Stanley, which I am not (although will be in 11 days ti

May 22, 2017

Called to ask me if I'd had a road traffic incident back in 2015. After being asked if he had any more details on the incident, like the cars and registration numbers of those cars, he had no details available apparently - Which smelt fishy. So I asked hi

May 21, 2017

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Localization of the phone number: United Kingdom
  • +441618203548
  • +44 161 820 3548
  • 0161 820 3548
  • +44-161-820-3548