Telephone number: 82288

Statistics 82288

606 Number of views:
7 Number of comments:
Last comment: January 23, 2017
Hazard level Safe

There are 7 comments for the phone number 82288. Phone number hazard level Safe. 7 users were marked it with 2 Unsafe, 5 Neutral rating.

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Comments on the number 82288


Can you s and put behind the bars these fradualent people.we will report to ofcom as well

January 23, 2017

Just received my bank statement my Vodafone bill is £15 higher due to your competition which I did not enter could you please refund me.

December 20, 2016

I am in the same boat trying to find an email address for them does any one have it? It's disgusting!

December 19, 2016

this nummber has been takeing money of me for a couple of moths could you please send me a claims form so i can get a refund .43 wimbish end pitsea basildon essex ss13 3pg

December 18, 2016

There is so much of this scam and it seems pensioners are being a target why can't we report this to the police? If they broke into my home and too this money why is that so differently?

December 18, 2016

I want a refund they took me £58.00, unknowingly.

December 18, 2016

There seems to be a lot of folk being swindle for money including myself, why ? How can l get refund? Notice a lot of pensioners picked on are they sorted out because they are older ? Terrible is this theft ? I never asked for these communications l have

December 14, 2016

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