Telephone number: 7973346568

Statistics 7973346568

434 Number of views:
6 Number of comments:
Last comment: March 29, 2017
Hazard level Unsafe
  • Capital:London
  • Area:242900 Km2
  • Population:65110000
  • LAT/LONG:54 / -2

There are 6 comments for the phone number 7973346568. Phone number hazard level Unsafe. 6 users were marked it with 6 Unsafe, rating.

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Comments on the number 7973346568


Indian man claiming to be from talktalk

March 29, 2017

asian who asked for someone who was dead will someone please s these people

March 28, 2017

This caller was claiming to be from TalkTalk stating we have Chinese Hackers tapping to our Internet. They told me my TalkTalk account number and gave my full address.
He was more interested in getting me to go to my Lap and type in information so he

March 28, 2017

Scammers. Don't answer!

March 28, 2017

Was called by this number about 11.30am today? As there was a pause before anyone spoke I just put the phone down. It appears it is the same people who somehow manage to lock into landline numbers from various parts of the UK and now it seems UK mobiles

March 28, 2017

These are a eegular occurrence. Long pause, very noisy background with clatteriong, oauswe agauin, and giidbye.

March 28, 2017

It's difficult to do this because there are hundreds of comments a day. Nope. Most of the comments are posted without going through the approval mechanism. If a problem is found in the comment on the phone number, the person who sent the comment is banned.

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Localization of the phone number: United Kingdom
  • +447973346568
  • +44 7973 346568
  • 07973 346568
  • +44-7973-346568