Telephone number: 66299

Statistics 66299

625 Number of views:
8 Number of comments:
Last comment: February 15, 2017
Hazard level Safe

There are 8 comments for the phone number 66299. Phone number hazard level Safe. 8 users were marked it with 1 Unsafe, 7 Neutral rating.

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Comments on the number 66299


if you reply to your text with S it will fail to send because you are sending it to 4466299 .You need to manually enter 66299 and text S .This will send and job done

February 15, 2017

I've just found out this is the number that has been charging me .please unsubscribe me

January 23, 2017

Please s charging me for this service

January 23, 2017

I have been charged 4.50 a week for three months without knowing, I have never even had a text message from this number. Three are going to call them with me on the line and ask them to refund it. I'm so mad. I originally thought my bill had gone up becau

January 19, 2017

This number is charging me £4.50 a week without my consent, it asks me to text S to cease contacting me. I have done that repeatedly to no avail and I am still getting charged. On of that there is a charge to send the S text. The text says it co

December 19, 2016

Send the following email to oxygen8 if you don't want their service. Then call the PSA. On 03003030020 after the two days notice. Good luck !

[email protected]


December 14, 2016

I am billed by this no.66299 for calls and texts that are paid in monthly contract with 02. Frakly, I cannot afford to pay this money.

I would think that 02 and other Phone Networks should block 66299 completly across thetelephone system.

I ma

December 11, 2016

Yet again I have had another text from this number and I haven't subscribed . I text the number with S the same as last time . I thought I even blocked it the last time

December 9, 2016

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