Telephone number: 2392354444

Statistics 2392354444

440 Number of views:
7 Number of comments:
Last comment: January 19, 2017
Hazard level Neutral
  • City:Portsmouth
  • Capital:London
  • Area:242900 Km2
  • Population:65110000
  • LAT/LONG:54 / -2
  • Portsmouth ( (listen)) is a port city primarily built on Portsea Island in the county of Hampshire, South East England. It is also known colloquially as Pompey, a nickname shared with HMNB Portsmouth ... Wikipedia

There are 7 comments for the phone number 2392354444. Phone number hazard level Neutral. 7 users were marked it with 4 Unsafe, 3 Neutral rating.

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Comments on the number 2392354444


im sick and tired of getting phone calls from these pretending to be microsoft i know my pc very well and i know microsoft dont ring you saying that there a virus on pc.

January 19, 2017

Tuesday 17th January 2017 I had a call from this number at 7am. Fortunately I didn't get to the phone in time. bt are apparently introducing a Call Protect service soon. Let's hope this service helps to curb nuisance calls.

January 16, 2017

Constantly calling then ringing off


January 11, 2017

Scammers re computer problems. Told the Asian sounding woman in no uncertain terms to s bothering us and get a legal job!

December 21, 2016

Received call from this number today could hardly understand the girl but gathered it was to do with my computer. I wish someone could put a s to these sort of calls for older people its quite worrying considering getting a phone that blocks unwanted c

December 20, 2016

Lady rang from this number saying my computer was being hacked and there was a fault with it. They would need access to my computer to see what the problem was. She coulnt say how much it would cost until they had seen the problem. Obvious scam. Said no t

December 20, 2016

Rang twice this morning asking if I was the owner of our computer. I said 'what's that got to do with you' in an angry voice and guess what he hung up!! Coward!!

December 12, 2016

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Localization of the phone number: United Kingdom
  • +442392354444
  • +44 23 9235 4444
  • 023 9235 4444
  • +44-23-9235-4444