Telephone number: 2361715522

Statistics 2361715522

410 Number of views:
6 Number of comments:
Last comment: December 19, 2016
Hazard level Neutral

There are 6 comments for the phone number 2361715522. Phone number hazard level Neutral. 6 users were marked it with 3 Unsafe, 1 Safe, 2 Neutral rating.

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Comments on the number 2361715522


Spam call person hangs up.

December 19, 2016

Had a phone call today from this number I am registered with the TPS so should not be receiving unwanted calls. Do TPS do anything about these numbers? .

December 19, 2016

Rang my land-line while I was out. No message left.

December 19, 2016

I'm also registered with TPS and am still receiving unsolicited calls on a regular basis. What more can be done though? Very annoying and disruptive.

December 19, 2016

The caller claims that if you answer his questions he will never ring again. As I have this call at least seven times in the last week then what does "n3ver ring again" really mean. However, I never answer the questioins because they are usually person

December 19, 2016

Intercepted by answering machine. Silent call. In breach of cold calling regs.

December 19, 2016

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  • +442361715522
  • +44 23 6171 5522
  • 023 6171 5522
  • +44-23-6171-5522