Telephone number: 1865688176

Statistics 1865688176

332 Number of views:
3 Number of comments:
Last comment: June 26, 2017
Hazard level Unsafe
  • City:Oxford
  • Capital:London
  • Area:242900 Km2
  • Population:65110000
  • LAT/LONG:54 / -2
  • Oxford () is a city in England. It is the county town and only city of Oxfordshire. In 2017, its population was estimated at 152,450. It is 56 miles (90 km) northwest of London, 64 miles (103 km) sout... Wikipedia

There are 3 comments for the phone number 1865688176. Phone number hazard level Unsafe. 3 users were marked it with 2 Unsafe, 1 Neutral rating.

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Comments on the number 1865688176


He rang & said he was Data Protection service- & what phone did i use? I said nope & I asked what relevance my phone has that to DP & to pop any queries it in the post with his address as I was very busy- He slammed the phone down

June 26, 2017

Female stating she was from TPS wantimg to check my details as were extending call blocking to off shore calls as well as UK. As confirmation of whom i was requested my card details including full number I refused ended call. Straight away male rang askin

June 22, 2017

Asked for me by name then asked if i was using sattelite dish for sky, then asked if i was over 40 and hung up. Tried phoning him back but the number wouldn't accept incomming calls

June 22, 2017

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Localization of the phone number: United Kingdom
  • +441865688176
  • +44 1865 688176
  • 01865 688176
  • +44-1865-688176