Telephone number: 1698253060

Statistics 1698253060

248 Number of views:
3 Number of comments:
Last comment: July 16, 2017
Hazard level Safe
  • City:Motherwell
  • Capital:London
  • Area:242900 Km2
  • Population:65110000
  • LAT/LONG:54 / -2
  • Motherwell (Scots: Mitherwall, Scottish Gaelic: Tobar na Màthar) is a large town and former burgh in North Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom, south east of Glasgow. It has a population of around 3... Wikipedia

There are 3 comments for the phone number 1698253060. Phone number hazard level Safe. 3 users were marked it with 1 Unsafe, 2 Neutral rating.

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Comments on the number 1698253060


Similar to others. I received an unsolicited and illegal call asked if I was having nuisance calls. I asked, "Apart from this one?". He did not understand, and repeated his query. I gave same response. He still did not understand and asked again. I repeat

July 16, 2017

An Indian lady asking even though I'm registered with TPS was I still getting unsolicited calls..when i said 'Yes, this is obviously one'she said no it wasn't.... I pressed my Call Blocker and she was gone!

June 22, 2017

Constant calling, just hang up or let the answer machine take it but of course these type of people never leave messages, I wonder why!

June 21, 2017

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Localization of the phone number: United Kingdom
  • +441698253060
  • +44 1698 253060
  • 01698 253060
  • +44-1698-253060