Telephone number: 1626818363

Statistics 1626818363

159 Number of views:
6 Number of comments:
Last comment: December 19, 2017
Hazard level Safe
  • City:Newton Abbot
  • Capital:London
  • Area:242900 Km2
  • Population:65110000
  • LAT/LONG:54 / -2

There are 6 comments for the phone number 1626818363. Phone number hazard level Safe. 6 users were marked it with 6 Neutral rating.

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Comments on the number 1626818363


Rang to confirm our company details, email addresses, Director names etc & then said at the end of it 'would we be happy for them to supply our details to third party marketing' I said no, we get enough spam via email, so please take off what you have

December 19, 2017

Updating our business details etc. These companies will sell your details on and you will be bombarded with cold calls. Hang up and move on!

November 29, 2017

Rang to "confirm" company details.

September 28, 2017

Rang at around 13:32 but when I picked up it was silent. I'm TPS registered, so annoyed.

September 3, 2017

Corp Data - data gatherers who think they can dupe people by saying their updating our business listing for us - we haven't got one! Don't tell them anything because they will sell the info on to other phone pests who will then bombard you with calls.

May 15, 2017

Put the phone down when I answered. I called them back and an answering machine said it was a research company wanting to update their records and they will call back!

April 25, 2017

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Localization of the phone number: United Kingdom
  • +441626818363
  • +44 1626 818363
  • 01626 818363
  • +44-1626-818363