Telephone number: 1429837265

Statistics 1429837265

525 Number of views:
4 Number of comments:
Last comment: December 15, 2016
Hazard level Unsafe
  • City:Hartlepool
  • Capital:London
  • Area:242900 Km2
  • Population:65110000
  • LAT/LONG:54 / -2
  • Hartlepool () is a port town in the Borough of Hartlepool, of which it is the administrative centre, in County Durham, England. The town is 17 miles (27 km) southeast of Durham, 12 miles (19 km) north... Wikipedia

There are 4 comments for the phone number 1429837265. Phone number hazard level Unsafe. 4 users were marked it with 3 Unsafe, 1 Neutral rating.

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Comments on the number 1429837265


agressive male ask for a name unknown to me, explain i thought they had wrong number to which the phone was slammed down!! so rude no apology!! who ever this company is going on there phone manors never ever do business with them! how anyone can have a jo

December 15, 2016

I'm sick of being called by this number there's another aswel here it is 07508147626 Asian man or woman claim to have your details and when asked how phone gets put dwn

December 15, 2016

This number rang me today and asked to speak to my mum, Sadly my mum passed away, I explained this to which she said when did she die, I asked what that had to do with her, she then started laughing and put the phone down, what a disrespectful lady, if y

December 14, 2016

Keep getting call from this number and then no answer

December 2, 2016

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Localization of the phone number: United Kingdom
  • +441429837265
  • +44 1429 837265
  • 01429 837265
  • +44-1429-837265