Telephone number: 1254470985

Statistics 1254470985

371 Number of views:
6 Number of comments:
Last comment: August 24, 2017
Hazard level Safe
  • City:Blackburn
  • Capital:London
  • Area:242900 Km2
  • Population:65110000
  • LAT/LONG:54 / -2
  • Blackburn (listen) is a large industrial town located in the Blackburn with Darwen borough in Lancashire, England. The town is north of the West Pennine Moors on the southern edge of the Ribble Valle... Wikipedia

There are 6 comments for the phone number 1254470985. Phone number hazard level Safe. 6 users were marked it with 6 Neutral rating.

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Comments on the number 1254470985


Unsolicited call from a very rude and aggressive woman.

August 24, 2017

Claim to be telemarketer-suspect phishing-either way shouldn't have my ex directory details

What's the point of ICO/TPS?!

They have opt out dial option-NEVER OPTED IN OR WILL ANY INFO!

Told politely loads-take us off data ba

July 6, 2017

Internet littered with reports of these harassing people-I've asked before that they take us off data base-they shouldn't even process or use my ex directory/TPS registered no!

We've never opted in to accept these calls

Strongly suspect phis

July 5, 2017

Has called several times. First time did not answer when I picked up so further calls ignored. When rung recorded message says they are a telephone advertising company.

May 23, 2017

Extremely rude scammer - refused to give name, then hung up when asked for supervisor.

April 26, 2017

Rang twice in one hour, left no message so blocked it.

November 28, 2016

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Localization of the phone number: United Kingdom
  • +441254470985
  • +44 1254 470985
  • 01254 470985
  • +44-1254-470985