Telephone number: 1251259878

Statistics 1251259878

600 Number of views:
4 Number of comments:
Last comment: January 29, 2017
Hazard level Neutral

There are 4 comments for the phone number 1251259878. Phone number hazard level Neutral. 4 users were marked it with 2 Unsafe, 2 Neutral rating.

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Comments on the number 1251259878


"Virginmedia support department" - about the sixth time they have called since Christmas, Told me I had a problem with my router. When asked, the first person I spoke to gave his address as 81 Newgate Street London, which is a BT building. His "supervisor

January 29, 2017

Asian male called, claiming to be from BT and saying he needed to resolve problem with my computer . Told him that he was a cheat and hung up

January 27, 2017

- asian male- attempted to access pc remotely - wound him up and said no- then proceeded to use se**** abuse down the phone which was pathetic

January 20, 2017

Dodgy sounding guy telling me to hand out my ip address and details so he could log in to my system and help me fight hackers..!!! hahahahaha, just quite incredible .....LOSER

January 19, 2017

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  • +441251259878
  • +44 1251 259878
  • 01251 259878
  • +44-1251-259878