Telephone number: 1241855776

Statistics 1241855776

185 Number of views:
11 Number of comments:
Last comment: November 3, 2017
Hazard level Safe
  • City:Arbroath
  • Capital:London
  • Area:242900 Km2
  • Population:65110000
  • LAT/LONG:54 / -2

There are 11 comments for the phone number 1241855776. Phone number hazard level Safe. 11 users were marked it with 11 Neutral rating.

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Comments on the number 1241855776


Voicemail message from this number addressed to my ex who moved out 14 years ago.

November 3, 2017

Asian sounding man with very bad English. Asked my name, then tried to get me to confirm my postcode. Said he was from HOTPOINT and was asking if I was happy with my washing machine. When I asked him how he got the number as I hadn't given it to Hotpoint,

November 3, 2017

Asian sounding guy, Called today asking if they could talk to me by my name ,i asked why he said are you mw i said why do you need her, he kept asking and i kept asking why, then when i would not give him the answer he wanted he hung up

October 31, 2017

As soon as I say Hallo and there isn't an answer I know it is one of 'those' phone calls and hang up.

October 11, 2017

Received a call from this number today. An Asian woman tried to confirm my name. I asked her who she was and she failed to reply. I put the phone down.

October 5, 2017

They called me but I didn't answer. I then checked the number on here... From what I've read, THIS SOUNDS LIKE A SCAM I HEARD OF THE OTHER DAY. They call you and ask random questions trying to get you to say 'YES' so they can record and use your voice to

September 14, 2017

Asian male asking for Mrs J.....(my Christian name!). Tried to verify postcode then asked if my washing machine was still working. I told him to s.. Off.

September 6, 2017

Asian sounding lady. asked for me I asked who was calling (without confirming it was me). she proceeded to tell me my postcode & hung up when I said it was wrong. has been phoning every day. Hope no more calls now I've answered

July 3, 2017

Foreign guy phoned three times. He asked me about my washing machine and the make of it. I told him I don't know. He asked me if I am married. I said yes and he said he doesn't believe me because I only sound 22. He said he is in love with my voice. He as

July 3, 2017

Call from lady with broken English asking for me by name and said your post code is xxxx - It was an old one of mine so asked why she wanted information and said she was calling from a company doing a survey, wanted to know what phone handset I - have I g

June 29, 2017

When I answer it goes dead

June 28, 2017

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Localization of the phone number: United Kingdom
  • +441241855776
  • +44 1241 855776
  • 01241 855776
  • +44-1241-855776