Telephone number: 1204238786

Statistics 1204238786

137 Number of views:
4 Number of comments:
Last comment: December 3, 2017
Hazard level Safe
  • City:Bolton
  • Capital:London
  • Area:242900 Km2
  • Population:65110000
  • LAT/LONG:54 / -2
  • Bolton ( (listen), locally ) is a large town in Greater Manchester in North West England, historically and traditionally a part of Lancashire. A former mill town, Bolton has been a production centre f... Wikipedia

There are 4 comments for the phone number 1204238786. Phone number hazard level Safe. 4 users were marked it with 4 Neutral rating.

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Comments on the number 1204238786


Called asking to speak to the owner of the business, I asked who was calling and nature of call. They responded with it's confidential, I advised cannot put through call unless they advise, they put the phone down. Then they called again a few minutes lat

December 3, 2017

Called and asked to speak to the owner who moved two years ago. Then asked to speak to the new owner, demanded to know why when I refused ... typical scam caller.

September 20, 2017

He opened the call...dont worry I am not selling Gas or electric. He then went on to ask if I wanted to sell my business. I said, if you had done your research properly you would see that I am not the owner, only a director. Head office overseas own it. H

September 14, 2017

Wouldn't tell my colleague why he wanted to speak to me as its a "confidential business matter" when I tried to call back the automated messages says my call can't be taken and then I was cut off

watch out for the name Will Holmes

May 3, 2017

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Localization of the phone number: United Kingdom
  • +441204238786
  • +44 1204 238786
  • 01204 238786
  • +44-1204-238786