Telephone number: 08000903853
Statistics 08000903853
There are 7 comments for the phone number 08000903853. Phone number hazard level Neutral. 7 users were marked it with 3 Unsafe, 4 Neutral rating.
It happened to me today it's a scam don't call the number call the lap company
My son had a new lap today and this message came up so he called them it was only when they asked him how old he was that I went onto phone and asked who they really were and they said it would be a one off charge of $199 so I told him to unpolitely sh
Scam saying lap was infected
Clicked on an Internet address and suddenly had two windows displayed saying my PC was blocked and woman's voice repeatedly telling me to phone the number shown to clear the problem. Very intimidating !
Pages would not close using the close button s
This is the 2nd time its happened to me. We removed the virus, changed passwords etc but it happened again about 10 days later. What a nightmare!
April 25, 2021I spoke to an Asian guy thinking it is really microsoft and helped him getting through my lap and accessing my Wifi! He asked for £230 i said i cant pay that much i cant afford it he said youre not paying for me it's for your safety I said I know that
This is a known scam number, so why as nothing been done by the powers that be?
April 25, 2021 It's difficult to do this because there are hundreds of comments a day.
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- +448000903853
- +44 800 090 3853
- 0800 090 3853
- +44-800-090-3853
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